Social Media MA: Only idiots/Daily-Mail-readers object
In a world of rapid change the Daily Mail and it's reactionary readers provide a consistent rock of stupidity; today it's their response to an MA in Social Media. I would have thought it was impossible to refute the importance of understanding the role of social media in today's society, but both the Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph manage to refute its importance with the comments of an idiotic student with obviously no understanding of academia:
Virtually all of the content of this course is so basic it can be self taught...In fact most people know all this stuff already. I think it's a complete waste of university resources.
Being able to use blogs, social networks, twitter, wikis, podcasts etc, is obviously not the same as understanding the role they play in society, but acknowledging that would have got in the way of a 'good' story. Obviously it is only a good story for the 'gone to hell in a handcart' brigade, but those are idiots who read the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph.
What always amazes me about the Daily Mail is that the readers are actually worse than the journalists! Why do they think they are profound and witty when the comments merely express their own ignorance? Sometimes I join them in believing the world has gone to hell in a handcart, but that is due to my despairing at the ignorance of so many at a time of so much opportunity.
Personally my favourite comment is the one by Rick from Newcastle:
This is for humans with an IQ of less than 20 ??I choose to believe he is referring to placing comments on the Daily Mail site rather than the MA course.
If you want to make your own mind up about the course there is a makeshift video introduction:
Obviously the Daily Mail didn't link to the video, that would have been proper journalism.
Labels: Daily Mail, Social Media
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