Web 5.0: Where we live on the web
Everyone seems to want to be the person to define a web number, first web 3.0 went, and now web 4.0 has gone:
If Web 2.0 is the rounded corners and the Internet as a platform, and Web 3.0 is seamless integration of the various tools built on the platform, Web 4.0 must be algorithmic incorporation of that data into something useful.
So I thought I would get in and define web 5.0:
Web 5.0 is when quantum computing provides us the opportunity to upload ourselves to the web rather than just our data.
Obviously there may be a few more technical stages before we can solve the planet's overcrowding problem by living in Second Life 2.0, but what is the point of having a decimal point if we don't use it? Dewey would be turning in his grave.
Whilst there will be those who say that people won't want to be uploaded, I think it is equally likely that there are people who don't want a fully integrated and documented life with every aspect detailed and tagged! Too often the blogosphere focuses on technological capabilities and how geeks would like to use the web, rather than how the mass want to use it.
Even if the web does develop in the way people predict, do these changes really necessitate new web numbers? If we accept that the move from web 1.0 to web 2.0 is a paradigm shift in the way many people view the web, then surely the introduction of the terms 'web 3.0' and 'web 4.0' require equally large changes in perception; the proposed definitions seem more like tinkering round the edges.
Labels: blogosphere, web 2.0, web 3.0, web 4.0, web 5.0
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