Facebookers Back Barack
After spending the morning reading a few articles about blogging in the 2004 US election (does life get any more interesting??) I decided to have a look how Facebook reflected the race for the Democrat presidential nomination.
Basically, if democracy reflected the votes of the idealistic youth, rather than the self-interested cynical old conservatives, then Obama would be walking into the Whitehouse (no-one idealistic votes Republican). A comparison of Obama and Clinton's top groups can't help but make anyone who dislikes Hilary smile:
1. Barack Obama for President in 2008
2. Students for Barack Obama
3. America for Barack Obama
4. Barack Obama for President
5. 1 Million strong, against Hilary and Obama
(nb. maybe it is the annoyingly superfluous comma that is currently restricting the 1 million strong to 5,493).
1. Anti Hilary Clinton 2008
2. ABC= Anyone But Clinton
3. as much as i love the U.S...i'm gone if Hilary Clinton becomes president
4. I'd vote for a trained chimpanzee before Hilary Clinton
5. Hilary Clinton Shouldn't Run For President She Should Run The Dishes
I'm sure that analysis of the comments in the groups would be even more of an eye-opener...although many of the comments about Clinton are probably not suitable for repeating in a polite blog.
In 2004 blogging was the also ran of the presidential campaign. Yes, it was an important element, but not quite the deciding factor that was hoped for. The question is whether social network sites will be the also ran, or the decisive mover. If Hilary enters the Whitehouse, it is definately an also ran.
Labels: blogging, Clinton, facebook, Obama, social web
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