Wii Fit Diary - How is everyone else getting on?
As I have just earned myself a platinum pig, due to accumulating 20 hours on the Wii Fit, it seems an appropriate time to see how others are getting on with their Wii Fits.
Whilst there are a number of people out there keeping Wii Fit diaries, or at least posting about the Wii Fit occassionally, they will soon be over-shadowed by Engadget's 30 day test which has just started; it was nice getting the traffic whilst it lasted.
Wii-Fit-Me-Fit is providing an unbelievably detailed diary of her Wii Fit activities, which generally account for 30mins a day. Now on day nine, her BMI dropped from 30.08 to 30.05 in the first week. Whilst I wouldn't have thought 30 mins a day would be enough, that is also the aim of Assasin, and he lost 5lbs in the first week! I was beeginning to get big headed about my first week's loss of 3lbs, but it doesn't look as impressive now. 30 mins a day seems to be what most people are aiming for, but not everyone is giving the details.
It's good to see how others are getting on, although a shame that some only keep going for a week (incl. Wired), it will definately take many weeks for the Wii Fit to make a difference.
Labels: wii fit
Just started with Wii Fit myself today. I've read about Ryan Block's 30 day trial over at Engadget and stumbled across your blog also. I wish the software was able to give you a complete (but variable) workout plan to save the user manually choosing everything, i.e. tell it how long you want to train for and it does the rest.
19 May 2008 at 19:40
that's silver you get bronze at ten hours,silver at twenty hours, and gold at 40 hours.People say there is platinum but there is not ,they are making it up to see you do a whole 100 hours of effort
18 August 2008 at 14:39
I'm also doing a diary of Wii fit and am actually taking the 3 month challenge to see if it truly makes a difference.
23 February 2009 at 16:01
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