Shelfari: Tracking my reading shame
On adding the latest book I had read to Shelfari I just realised that I have been a member for almost two years! This is a long time in web years, and there are surprisingly few other services that I have used for as long. I have long since replaced great and popular services like and Bloglines with Reddit and Newsgator, but somehow Shelfari has managed to keep my custom.
So what does two years of Shelfari tracking tell me? Basically, I don't read enough. Whilst it's the sort of conclusion most people can draw about themselves without having to track every book they read, it's nonetheless interesting to put a firm number to our lack of reading. Since joining Shelfari, almost 2 years ago, I have read 54 books. Just over one a fortnight. According to some survey results from 2002 it would put me in the top 20% of readers:
- Nearly half of adults had read at least five books or more in the previous 12 months.
- Almost one in five claiming to have read 20 books or more in the previous 12 months.
Whilst some people would be happy with such a record, as I can legitimately spend hours reading books as part of my job it is pretty pathetic.
I would like to read at least as many books as I buy, and possibly start to make a bit of a dent into the piles of unread books I have stacked-up around my flat. I should therefore probably be aiming at reading 100 books a year, about four times as many as I do now. If only there were a couple more hours in the day :-(
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