Virgin trains almost as bad as Virgin media
You don't have to be an information scientist to know the importance of good timely information. Whilst everyone should know the importance of politeness in keeping the customer happy when things do go wrong. Unfortunately someone seems to have forgoten to pass this information on to Virgin. After failing to inform me of a visit to sort my phone line the other week (a problem that is still waiting to be sorted), I have now been told to leave a train at a Virgin station with no explanation as to what the problem with the train is, when the next train is coming, and most importantly, no word of an apology for the inconvenience.
Maybe the increasingly mobile nature of computing will help to change the poor service that seems to be everywhere. Whilst I am often annoyed by the service I recieve, I have often calmed sufficently by the time I get home to not bother writing a letter of complaint. Mobile computing allows you to complain there and then...or at least blog about it.
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