The thoughts of a web 2.0 research fellow on all things in the technological sphere that capture his interest.

Saturday 30 August 2008

Remembering the Olympics: BBC thrashed NBC!

Whilst the Olympics seems AGES ago now, I've only just come across some of streaming figures for the BBC and NBC:
NBC - 75.5 million streams
BBC - 40 million streams
Obviously comparisons are never simple, with different time zones likely to effect the choice of the Internet over the TV, but as the USA has five times the population of the UK 75.5 million streams doesn't look very impressive.

It seems likely that London 2012 will make these figures seem ridiculously small. Hopefully the BBC will be offering more than just the 6 streams (it's amazing that there was still so much that I wanted to see and couldn't), and live mobile streams will be readily available.

UPDATE (11/09/08): Whilst I thought the BBC's 40 million streams thrashed NBC, as the BBC is actually claiming 50 million streams, I guess the BBC thrashed NBC then delicately placed a cherry on top.

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posted by David at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out these metrics from Scope video platform:

1 September 2008 at 08:26

Blogger David said...

@anon some nice glossy stats, but they have seemingly ignored the BBC and other regional broadcasters so it doesn't really say much about who was watching the Olympics online (...did I really just describe the BBC as regional???)

1 September 2008 at 08:50


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