Not all links are equal!
Thanks to a single link on the BBC's delicious roll on Saturday night, yesterday saw Webometric Thoughts get its highest number of hits ever. Whilst for many sites 121 absolute unique visitors in a day (according to Google analytics) wouldn't be worthy of note, the webometric blogging community have fairly low aspirations.
What is interesting, from the perspective of a Google Analytics junkie, is the difference between the amount of traffic this link drove in comparison to a similar on the BBC's delicious roll on the 16th January. Whilst the January link only drove 17 unique users to my site, Saturday's link drove 102 users over a three day period!
Was the extra traffic all due to the extra time the link was visible on the BBC? It was visible a lot longer, but weekend traffic is often slower. Or was it the topic of the posts? The first was about ISPs, whilst the second was about the iPhone. It seems equally likely that the difference in the traffic is due to the link's anchor text. Whereas the first text referred to 'David Stuart research fellow', the second link merely referenced the blog 'Webometric Thoughts' (AC seems to have done much more digging than NR).
Not all links are equal, however equal they may seem.
Labels: BBC, link analysis, webometrics
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